Get A Straight Smile Without Braces

in Colorado Springs, CO

The Benefits Of SureSmile

SureSmile uses a series of clear plastic trays to shift your teeth rather than braces. One of the biggest benefits is that your aligners are completely invisible when worn and do not affect your speech. This makes for a more subtle aesthetic, and nobody has to know you’re getting orthodontic treatment.

SureSmile is also more comfortable than braces since it tends to move teeth more gradually and does not involve any metal components that irritate your mouth. It’s also very convenient and hygienic because you can remove the aligners to eat, drink, brush, and floss. This means there are no dietary restrictions or difficulties cleaning your teeth. Get started by scheduling an appointment at Tuttle Family Dentistry today. We proudly serve the patrons of Colorado Springs! 

The SureSmile Process

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Initial Consultation

To begin the process, you’ll need to come to Tuttle Family Dentistry for a consultation with Dr. Tuttle in Colorado Springs. Our team will take images of your mouth, perform an exam, take x-rays, and determine if you’re a good candidate for treatment. If you’re approved, they will take molds and impressions of your mouth and work with SureSmile to develop your treatment plan and build your first few sets of aligners, which will take a few weeks.

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Treatment Process

After a few weeks you will return to our Colorado Springs office to get your custom SureSmile aligners and instructions on how to wear them. Each set is worn for 20-22 hours per day and is swapped out every 2 weeks. You will return to the office every 4-6 weeks for a quick checkup and to get your next few sets of aligners. This basic process is repeated until your treatment is complete.

a woman smiling in nature
a person resting in a hammock next to a dog

What Are The Advantages Of SureSmile Over Other Options?

The biggest advantage of SureSmile therapy over other orthodontic treatments, such as braces, is its subtle, low-profile appearance. SureSmile clear aligners are virtually invisible when worn. The aligners are clear and thin, and fit perfectly over your teeth, so nobody has to know that you’re correcting your smile unless you want them to know.

Traditional metal braces, on the other hand, are more obvious, and may make you feel self-conscious about your orthodontic treatment. If you want a more subtle way to correct your smile, SureSmile may be the solution you've been searching for.

SureSmile treatment is also more comfortable than wearing metal braces, as the aligners won't poke or irritate your mouth. You can take your SureSmile aligners out to eat and drink, so there are no dietary restrictions. Because they're removable, clear aligners make it easier to brush and floss, so you can keep your teeth healthy during your orthodontic treatment.

In many cases, SureSmile treatment requires fewer trips to our office, which also saves you time. Most patients only need a quick checkup every 4-6 weeks, and these appointments are generally shorter than appointments to have your braces adjusted.

For many patients looking to straighten their smile, SureSmile is a fantastic option for orthodontic treatment. To learn more about SureSmile clear aligner therapy, and to find out if you're a good candidate for treatment, contact Tuttle Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs today.

Am I A Good Candidate For SureSmile?

This depends on your oral health and the extent of your orthodontic issues. First and foremost, your mouth must be healthy and free of issues like gum disease, cavities, and infected teeth. You cannot receive orthodontic treatment with these chronic oral health issues.

SureSmile is powerful, but not as versatile as traditional braces. If you have very serious issues with your teeth and jaw alignment, SureSmile may not work for your case. To find out if you’re a candidate, schedule an appointment with Dr. Tuttle  today.

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Beautiful smile and white teeth of a young woman

Does SureSmile Change Your Face Shape?

The answer is usually “yes,” but it depends on your case. Similarly to braces, SureSmile doesn’t just change the position of your teeth. It can also correct issues with your jaw position. Overbites and underbites are examples of bite issues that can be corrected with SureSmile.

An overbite is when the upper arch of teeth "hangs over" the lower jaw more than is ideal. An underbite is the opposite, when the lower jaw sits in front of the upper arch of teeth. Both can impact your confidence in your smile, but SureSmile may be the solution for you.

The end result is a straight smile, aligned jaw, and healthy bite. This doesn’t just help improve your oral health, but also your appearance and your self-confidence.

How Do I Care for Space Maintainers?

The most important aspect of caring for space maintainers is ensuring your child doesn’t play with it. The space maintainer might feel weird on your child’s mouth, and they may be tempted to pull or bend it. Watch your child closely and stop them from playing with the dental device until they get used to it.

You’ll also want to ensure your child maintains proper oral hygiene despite the space maintainer. Proper oral hygiene involves brushing and flossing the teeth at least twice daily using a soft-bristle brush.

Another proven way to care for your child’s space maintainer is to restrict gooey and sticky foods. While caramel, toffee, and other sticky foods are delicious, they can pull and dislodge the space maintainer. They also contain plenty of sugar and promote the proliferation of mouth bacteria that cause dental decay and gum disease.

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